Each class is divided into assessment, warm up, training and recovery. Throughout the class, participants work in pairs or teams, in order to forge a solid training community. Skillathletic classes are performed in a dedicated and inclusive environment, designed to let the participant achieve the best training outcome.

Never Stop. Take part in a class designed to test your stamina limits and push them for as long as you can. Boost challenges the basic abilities of agility and stamina.

book a boost class

Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable. Increase your "power-endurance" in an equally balanced workout between power and stamina, aimed to let you reach the apex of your phisical and mental toughness.

book a brave class

FAST is a specific speed training, the most advanced component of performance. Short but intense drills dedicated to the improvement of speed and agility of movements.

book a fast class

Are you tough enough? Heighten your Power with an explosive training centered around weightlifting and inspired by some of the toughest sports on earth.

book a mighty class




Skillathletic app.

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Keep track of your progress with the SKILLATHLETIC app. The more you join classes, the more you collect pillar points.