If you are easily distracted, bored by the weight room or incurable chatterboxes, then you can be helped by Skillathletic training format, which seems to be created especially for all those who are not able to handle time and results in the right way. Skillathletic’s formula is the winning one, a High Intensity Interval Training to be performed in a group, where literally everyone will be too busy and too tired to talk.
With classes targeted according to the various goals (from weight loss to strength development, from definition to toning) each workout is designed to get the most out of it. Not only you will be forced to leave the phone and various distractions, but, under the guidance of a good coach, you will see that a very short time taken in training (30-40 minutes) brings results that are usually obtained after hours of gym. Therefore, you have not yet tried what it means to complete a class of Skillathletic, it is time to get off the ground: it can be the key to the body shape that you have been chasing, distractedly, for a too long time!
How many times did we enter the gym with the best of intentions and then, without knowing how, we found ourselves unable to complete even half of our exercise card? Time management is perhaps one of the main factors that contribute to making a workout effective or not.
Coaches and personal trainers: supports and guiding spirits
An effective method to optimize your time at the gym is to ask the support of a coach – for group classes, or a personal trainer – for individual workouts. Every club has its guiding spirits that can ferry even the most distracted sports souls. Nothing is more effective than training followed constantly by a good coach.
His watchful eye on the execution of the exercises, his motivational verve and his schedule will prove to be an effective compass, pointing straight to your best possible physical shape. There will be no excuse to skimp on the final repetitions or waste time chattering around the gym. A good coach will be able to turn your workout upside down, starting from time management and workout performance: try it to believe it!
If you are guided by a strong motivation, no distraction will ever be up to the goal that you have set and there will never be any justification to the time dedicated to sports. It doesn’t matter if it’s a seemingly futile motivation or a very valid reason. What matters is that it is important for you: do you want to lose weight? Do you want to show our gyms friend that you’re sticking to the plan? Do you want to win a sports competition? Do you want those chiseled abs we see advertised everywhere? Your motivation is never stupid, especially if it pushes you to improve yourself and makes you stay focused! With these small, but valuable tips, the quality of your training will undergo a significant surge that will lead you to those long chased results!
Human mind plays tricks when sources of distraction are close to us, as in gym. Friends who train or a simple joke can lead us to distractions fatal for our goals. How do not distract ourself by using only our mental resources? Simple, try just a little imagination.
Power to the imagination
Who said that imagination is only a source of distraction? Even the ability to stay focused on the goal for more than a few minutes can be trained. Just stay focused on your movement and divert your gaze from the statue-like body of those training at our side. One technique could be to use the imagination and create goals in between.
For example, setting the number of calories to burn on cardio machines, or counting how many repetitions you can perform in a minute and strive to maintain the same number in subsequent series. In short, it is important to find tricks that keep the mind busy about what we are really doing and prevent it from wandering in the labyrinths of our endless thoughts.
How many times did we enter the gym with the best of intentions and then, without knowing how, we found ourselves unable to complete even half of our exercise schedule? Time management is perhaps one of the main factors that contribute to making a workout effective or not. It’s not always easy to stay focused: queuing up to use a piece of equipment, thinking about your daily worries, a sudden call…That’s when an hour of training is reduced to 30 minutes. We are often distracted by our surroundings, the gym is likely to become a sinking ship in a stormy ocean of distraction, or we look for any excuse (fatigue, time, appointments) to do as little as we can. It is no coincidence that the results are late to arrive. Therefore, how can we manage not to waste any time? Here you are 5 easy tips not to lose your concentration and keep your good intentions.
Smartphone off & no apps
Let’s not deny it. For many of us, the smartphone has become an essential part of our lives. We can no longer conceive of a moment of rest without yielding to the temptation to tap that magical screen that is a door to all sorts of parallel realities. It ends so that, without realizing it, time gets out of hand. It could happen that, between a series and another, we give in to the seemingly harmless temptation to control what our friends are doing on Instagram and what was supposed to be a minute’s rest turns into 8 minutes of comments to stories and posts. Not to mention that news on Facebook that caught our attention, or the WhatsApp group for the weekend dinner. And how can we resist the temptation of a selfie to let everyone know that we are in the gym? In short, work and rest times are not respected anymore.
It is with great regret that we must say that the first tip to optimize your efforts at the gym is to leave the phone switched off for the entire workout time. If you use technology to monitor results or listen to music, it is appropriate to switch on the airplane mode of your phone. You can recover notifications, answers and likes quickly when you are into the locker room. You will notice that your performances will change dramatically and you will pay more attention on the quality of execution.