The abdominals, most widely called as abs, are among the most visible and worked out muscles by beach lovers and selfie addicts. The one goal everyone would love to reach before summer comes, the famous “six pack”, is an icon of beauty and athleticism so coveted by men and women from all places and social backgrounds.
Yet, to get these muscles “stand out”, all you need is to keep an eye on your diet and practice constant training, both at the Skillathletic studios - where abs are constantly stimulated during classes – and at home. To achieve your fab six pack, follow these 5 abs exercises that you can do everywhere. We recommend doing abs exercises at least four times a week, though the more you do them, the faster you’ll reach your goals!
Position yourself with your forearms on the ground and stay on your elbows and feet, creating a straight line between your ankles, knees, pelvis and shoulders. The pelvis must be in retroversion, to ensure your abs are working properly. Think about contracting the buttocks: this way, you will find that the pelvis will be in the correct position and you will avoid any back pain.
From this position, lift one leg outstretched and move it sideways, then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. To increase the difficulty of execution, place your arms on the balance dome with the spherical part facing downwards.
To get your abs stand out and define your figure, all you need is to keep an eye on your diet and practice constant training. To achieve your fab six pack, this is the second of the 5 abs exercises that you can do everywhere, even when you are running out of time. We recommend doing these abs exercises at least four times a week, though the more you do them, the faster you’ll reach your go
If plank was among the most popular abs exercises, the crown for the most popular abs exercise goes to crunches. However, to be able to stimulate your abdominals in the best possible way, adding weight will make your workout even more effective.
If plank was among the most popular abs exercises, the crown for the most popular abs exercise goes to crunches. However, to be able to stimulate your abdominals in the best possible way, adding weight will make your workout even more effective.
Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet resting on the ground. Next, grab a weight plate (or kettlebell) you can lift confidently enough, holding it with outstretched arms. Start the movement by imagining that you have to push the plate towards the ceiling. Lift the shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor in sequence, until only the lumbar area is touching the floor. Then, return to the starting position and slowly control the descent.
Oblique abs are never to be forgotten, as they are the prime responsible for your “V” shaped pelvis and for the prevention of unwanted love handles: in one word, they are the perfect frame for your six pack! To achieve your fab six pack, follow these 5 abs exercises that you can do everywhere. We recommend doing these abs exercises at least four times a week, though the more you do them, the faster you’ll reach your goals!
Lie on the ground belly up and place your arms on the ground, with your hand palms facing on the ground and at the same height as your shoulders. Grab the med ball between your legs and swing from side to side in a slow and controlled manner, simulating the movement of the windshield wiper. Make movements that are not too wide – you don’t have to go as far as the ground- and stop at the point where you can keep both your arms and shoulders firmly on the ground.
The Wellness Ball is one of the most versatile Skilltools, as it allows you to create an instability that makes your abs exercises much more intense and functional. That’s why this equipment has become one of the best friends for six-pack seekers.
The exercise is fairly simple. Get on a plank position, with the knees resting on the Wellness Ball. Then, bring the knees towards the chest, by rolling the ball towards you. To complete the exercise, return to the starting position.
Not all abs exercises are meant to be executed face of butt to the ground. Indeed, standing abs exercises will allow you to stimulate your oblique abs, thanks to the use of an elastic band. Unlike abs exercises with normal weights, using a rubber band will gradually increase the intensity of the exercise during the range of motion. Without further ado, let’s complete this abs anthology (or should we say … absthology!?) by describing how to perform elastic band rotations.
Attach the elastic band to any support at the same height of your shoulders, stand by laterally and hold the elastic band joining hands. Slightly spread the legs for greater stability and stretch the arms forward. Make an explosive twist of the trunk in the opposite direction to the elastic. Keep in the final position for one second and return to the starting position, keeping your abs tight during the whole movement.